Image Size

Competition Image Size and Sizing for Landscapes, Portraits & Square Images
  • The LCC's projector can display images that area up to 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high
  • Anything bigger than these sizes will cause the 'system' to scale the image, which can adversely affect the quality
  • The competition software has been set up to reject anything that doesn't confirm to a maximum of 1600 x 1200
  • When images are submitted, the size is checked and if it is oversize the images is either re-scaled manually or sent back to the photographer to resize
  • If the image is significantly smaller than the maximum size, the photographer may be contacted to warn them the image will be much smaller than the maximum screen projection

Maximum Landscape image can be 1600px wide x 1200px high.
and similarly the Maximum Portrait image can be 1600px wide x 1200 px high, but clearly this will often have a shorter width.
The Maximum Square image can be 1200px wide x 1200 px high.